Semester Inaugural Talk & Workshop about Digital Commons

Digital Commons – Alternative approach or naive dreaming in times of platform capitalism?

The Semester Inaugural Talk and Workshop of the Winter Semester 2020/21 aims at exploring the topic of “Digital Commons”. Commons describe both shared material and immaterial resources amongst the involved actors. Their management opens alternative approaches of production and reproduction in present capitalistic forms. This Semester Inaugural Talk will shed light on this passionating social practice and will open the discussion on the current limitations faced by open-source movements. 

After a short introduction of the history of open source technology, its role in paving the road to digital commons and today’s implications also in terms of co-designing by Maurizo Teli (Aalborg University, Denmark), the current practices and political endeavors in the context of Digital Sovereignty and what it means for us as individual citizens will be presented by Bianca Herlo (Weizenbaum Institute, Berlin University of the Arts). Thereafter, the topic will be further explored with two hands-on perspectives on digital commons. We will have the possibility to discuss with Salvatore Iaconesi, artist, designer and hacker (;, who develops design interventions under the form of participatory platforms. To conclude, we will have the pleasure to meet DJ Balli ( to discuss the music-making, and especially the practice of sampling as a composition or plagiarism activity – and what it means for our role as artist, designer or social scientist. DJ Balli will offer a music-making workshop in presence on the next day (Sept 29th, 9-17). Pre-registration required.

We wish this Semester Inaugural Talk and workshop will help us to set up more resilient, transformative actions and structures to collectively construct the path of the digital commons as an empowering and emancipatory approach.

We wish this Semester Inaugural Talk and workshop will help us to set up more resilient, transformative actions and structures to collectively construct the path of the digital commons as an empowering and emancipatory approach.